What is Vibrant Aging? Plus 11 Ways to Embrace It

What is Vibrant Aging? Plus 11 Ways to Embrace It

Most of us think about aging on a superficial level, since our outward appearance is what we can see change before our eyes. But those outward signs actually begin much deeper, at the cellular level. So while you can certainly embrace the motto of “young at heart” or fib about your birth date, your cells know your actual biological age.

Age can be a mindset. How often have you met someone, learned their age and felt surprise or shock? Maybe they acted or looked much older or younger than you expected them to be. No two people will age in exactly the same way, but we will all grow old – if we are lucky enough. Aging vibrantly is about feeling like your best self, every day and doing what you can to be able to live life fully, day in and day out.

What can you do to promote vibrant aging? Definitely keep up with your healthy lifestyle choices – get enough sleep, manage and reduce daily stress, eat a balanced diet and move your body. But for a healthy today and tomorrow, there’s more to consider.*

4 Things That Influence Vibrant Aging*

  1. Stem cells are the body’s “master cells.” Since stem cells can regenerate (but we have fewer as we age), overall healthy aging is directly related to their well-being.* By promoting their natural proliferation, stem cells can support our health and wellness.*
  1. Telomeres are to your DNA what those little end caps are to your shoelaces. Just like those caps keep your laces from fraying, these telomeres protect DNA strands — and maintaining their length is a crucial part of healthy aging.* They also help nourish cells for longevity.*
  1. Enzymes not only help break down food and boost energy.* They also help us recover from exercise and overexertion due to activity and daily life. Certain proteolytic enzymes help optimize your body’s natural recovery process, so you can get back to doing what you love.* 
  1. Omega-3 fatty acids support nearly all functions of the human body, including brain health, heart health, mood and digestion.* They significantly influence microbial diversity in the gut. Consuming enough omega-3s in food can be a challenge, but supplements offer a guaranteed, potent source. 

Want to feel your best, now and as you age? Of course, some aspects of our health and genetics are out of our control, but we can exert an influence on others. Read on for tips and healthy habits for vibrant aging. 

Habits to Help Promote Vibrant Aging

  1. Prioritize sleep. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep per night — even if you think you can get by with less than that. Sleep quality matters for mood and brain health, too. 
  2. Keep your brain busy. Keep your mind sharp by continuing to learn new skills — and hone existing ones — as you age. Find habits you enjoy, like reading, a morning crossword puzzle or learning a new language with an app. 
  3. Drink less or not at all. Reducing your alcohol intake is helpful for your brain and body, and it can impact you differently the older you are. 
  4. Give up smoking (or never start). Breaking the habit can lead to benefits for cardiovascular and overall health, no matter how long you’ve been a smoker. Quitting smoking (and vaping, which is equally bad for you and those around you) can make habits like exercise feel more manageable.
  5. Eat whole, unprocessed foods when you can. Embracing a diet that’s close to Mediterranean-style offers benefits for your heart and the rest of you, too. Limit salt, added sugars and processed foods, and fill your plate with fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Save treats for special occasions. 
  6. Manage stress every day. While it’s a natural part of being human, keeping daily stress in check benefits your body and mind. Older adults may feel the impact of everyday stress more due to other natural changes in hormones and the brain. 
  7. Exercise regularly. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate movement (like walking) per week. Your brain and body get a boost from exercise. Pick exercise you like — the best workout is the one you’ll willingly do again and again. 
  8. Keep muscles and bones strong. Muscle mass can begin to decline around age 30 (a natural process that speeds up even more after age 60), with decreases of 3% to 8% per decade. Bone density also changes with age. Resistance training and other weight-bearing exercises can help you maintain strong, healthy muscles and bones. 
  9. Stay hydrated. Your body needs to maintain optimal hydration levels to function properly. Good hydration habits also help maintain healthy blood pressure within normal ranges (and healthy circulation). Plus, when you are hydrated, your skin can appear plumper and younger! 
  10. Get regular check-ups. Annual and screening exams can offer insights into your different health metrics, including blood pressure, resting pulse rate, blood cholesterol and vitamin D levels. These numbers can help you and your provider identify trends and changes in what’s normal for you.
  11. Spend time with loved ones. Loneliness is a big problem in our society, and it impacts physical as well as emotional health. If your friends and family don’t live close by, consider finding a spiritual community, take a class or sign up to volunteer. All are a great way to meet people! 

When it comes to vibrant aging, focus on the big picture and the long term. Every healthy habit and good choice gets you a step closer to your goal! You might not be able to change the date on your driver’s license, but you can definitely embrace the mindset that age is just a number!

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